Friday, March 16, 2012

An Open Letter to Dateline NBC and 20/20

No one in Dunwoody is going to fault yours or any other news organization for swarming around the Hemy Neuman murder trial.  It bleeds, so it leads.  That's life.

There are thousands of people who live here - LIVE, not visit for a story - who were all touched by this crime and who now collectively have to continue their lives with this added history.

If you get a Pulitzer, or an Emmy, or even a Nobel prize for your reporting, good for you.  If you report a story that well, you deserve your reward.

With that said:  Dunwoody is a city of people, not characters.  Dunwoody is not a freak show, or a media playground, or a setting for a sitcom.  Dunwoody is not a caricature of stereotypes designed to fill a sound bite, or to set up a witty remark in your script.  Dunwoody is every other city with people finding a way to live together both because of and in spite of our differences.  Even when there is a crime.

Find a way in your 45 minutes plus titles, teasers, and commercials to reflect that reality.

If you're having trouble understanding what Dunwoody, Georgia is beyond this crime and resulting trial, here's a primer to get you started.  Print and save.

  • Dunwoody is a city where anyone in town can create the next "big idea".  When the economy went downhill in the past few years and took the housing market with it, our citizens didn't throw up their hands and give up on their lives.  They created their own companies with their own ideas from their everyday lives.  If someone lost a job, they created a new one in its place.  (Including yours truly and her website customers.)  Look at the statistics in our business community:  Over 80% of our licensed enterprises have fewer than 10 employees.  That is how good serious people provide for themselves, their families, and their city.
  • Dunwoody is a city where as soon as a woman has a baby, or someone is ill or injured, a line of volunteers spontaneously forms to cook dinners or do housework until they get back on their feet.  We take care of each other.
  • Dunwoody is a city where our religious community, however diverse, finds a way to support each other.  Every church and synagogue has social and educational programs that are open to the entire community, not just an individual religion or denomination.
  • Dunwoody is a city that knows we can do things better ourselves.  When the county and state ignored our needs, we made them get the hell out of the way so we citizens could do it right with our own hands.  Doesn't mean every decision is perfect, but at least we're accountable to each other and we're making improvements that otherwise weren't going to happen.
  • Dunwoody is a city that will come together to support our schools.  The county school system made it clear they're not going to put the needs of the students above their own crazy agendas.  So whether it's a public school, conversion charter, or private, the parents will get involved to make sure our kids get the education WE think they should have.  We physically work on the grounds, we pool our skills and talents and "pass the hat" to raise money and gather our resources.  Then after all of that we still stay vigilant to the day-by-day lessons our children are learning and be part of their education.
  • Dunwoody is a city that is aware of people in need and will find a way to meet those needs.  There are fundraisers for the local hospitals.  Consignment sales where families hand goods down through houses of worship at a deep discount.  Some groups even invented ways of growing food for food banks, in addition to making donations from their own grocery trips.  Most of the charity goes on quietly, in private, where your cameras aren't interested in filming.
  • Most of all, Dunwoody is a city that can be passionate and even pissed off with each other from time to time over the issue du jour.  We can scream, yell, blog, curse, and carry on all day long.  But at the end of the day we can leave the strife at the door and find a way to celebrate a good cause, or relax and have fun in spite of our differences.  Look at Taste of Dunwoody, or Lemonade Days or the Bike Rodeo at Brook Run, or the 4th of July Parade, or the Dunwoody Music Festival.  Everyone has a good time but doesn't pretend to sit around agreeing with each other.

Dunwoody is not a bizarre murder or an equally bizarre trial.  Dunwoody will not be defined by this one crime, however newsworthy.  You would do well to keep that in mind as you edit your stories.  Use the real Dunwoody in your backdrop rather than a sound bite or stereotype.  Who knows - your story might become accurate enough to earn you that Pulitzer.


This video and the other media reports sum it up.  These were a few random thoughts throughout the afternoon.

  • A key reason Neuman is looking at a lifetime of Rorschach blots and license plates is because of the work of Dunwoody Police.  Grogan's crew can hold their own with any major police force in the area.
  • I sincerely hope that the news media will knock it off with their images of Dunwoody Prep preschool.  They didn't ask for this PR nightmare, nor did the families whose children benefit from their programs.  No one wants their establishment to be remembered by the public as, "Oh, right, that's the place where...."
  • Dunwoody Pediatrics staff seemed to hold it together when my children visited for their usual appointments after that day.  Impressive considering they were the first responders who tried to help.  This was the reason I decided early on not to pursue a medical degree - I couldn't handle it if a patient died on me.
  • Dunwoody is not an homogenous city.  We don't all think and act alike.  Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's a royal pain in the ass.  This time it's just plain 'ole bad.  I'm sure there are a lot of people - friends, neighbors, etc - looking at Neuman and Andrea Sneiderman and wondering, "How in the hell was I ever close to this person and not see this potential?  So now more of us are wondering...  who else is capable of this kind of crime and then lying about it?

Maybe now the city and our communities can pick up the pieces without TV cameras camped out at the Village or elsewhere in town.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Heneghan’s Dunwoody Blog: Help a Local Dunwoody Mother in Walmart contest “G...

Heneghan’s Dunwoody Blog: Help a Local Dunwoody Mother in Walmart contest “G...: Vote by clicking here Joi Sumpton of Dunwoody is the inventor of Step ‘n Wash, the first and only self-retracting step for public restrooms...

I had no idea this was invented in Dunwoody!  I remember seeing them at the Fernbank Museum when we took the kids last.

Click the link, and go vote!  I will never cease to be amazed at how much business is generated by Dunwoody moms and dads!