Sunday, December 28, 2014

Keep Your Gifts Safe This Season

News story from Channel 46:  don't leave your gift boxes by the curb, waiting and soaking until the next garbage day.  Especially if they housed electronics.  Nothing says "come steal from me!" like a cardboard box advertising a giant flat-screen TV or game system.

Someone had a great idea:  take the boxes to the dumpsters outside the Dunwoody Library.

Sanitation crews are busy picking up trash the day after Christmas.
Residents have tons of trash to get rid of, including wrapping paper and gift boxes. The Dunwoody Police Department posted crime prevention tips on its Facebook page telling people not to leave empty boxes of gifts by the curb because that will let burglars know what you have inside.
"We're asking if people have holiday gifts this year, especially expensive electronics like televisions, computers, Xbox, PlayStations, that if they have the empty boxes, do not leave them out by the trash can," officer Tim Fecht said.
They encourage people to be aware of their surroundings.
"Try not to expose your house, and not to be too flashy about items you've been receiving," Fecht said.
Police recommend that people break down boxes. Then, put them in black garbage bags, or take them to their local recycling containers.
Several people stopped by the Dunwoody Library to put boxes in the dumpsters the day after Christmas.
Copyright 2014 WGCL-TV (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

SDOC Never Closes. Neither do our clients.

“Power couple” Stan Jester, left, and his wife Nancy meet at their kitchen table.

The Jesters joke they soon will offer DeKalb taxpayers “one-stop shopping.”

“It’s one-stop shopping for people who want to complain [about county taxes or school problems],” Nancy Jester said. “You just call a Jester.”

Read the full article at the Dunwoody Reporter.


Small business owners and other local establishments (politicos?) in Dunwoody always have a part of their mind on work.  Nancy's new site as Commissioner is on the holiday to-do list in my house.  (Yes, it too involves a kitchen table when my office gets claustrophobic.)  Other local Dunwoody-area businesses are on the docket as well and will be launched in early 2015.

And with that, the Duncans start getting ready for the childrens Mass at All Saints.  Merry Christmas, everybody!  I'll probably be at my desk the day after tomorrow!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Early Christmas Present?