Thursday, October 8, 2015

GLASS Town Hall Meetings

Independent School System Legislation
with State Representative Tom Taylor

Please join GLASS and Representative Tom Taylor for a set of Town Hall Meetings on the Independent School System legislation.

This is a crucial issue for the future of our childrens’ education and for cities throughout Georgia, and we need your help in making this happen.

Rep. Taylor will speak about the upcoming legislative session, and members of GLASS will be available to answer questions, sign up volunteers, and help register voters.

Dunwoody Library

October 12, 2015 6-8 PM

October 13, 2015 10 am - 1 pm

Dunwoody Food Truck Thursday - October 8

Forecast for Thursday is partly sunny with temps in the 70’s. Come out and join us!

Brook Run Park 5 pm ‘til Dark


Pam Tallmadge, Your new Dunwoody City Councilwoman for District 1 Post 1
(Pam is scheduled to be sworn in and officially take office November 9)

Musical Guest

Adult Drinks

Dinner Trucks

Dessert Vendors

Monday, October 5, 2015

Dunwoody Reporter newspaper documents extra fees for home business owners

Posted by Ellen Eldridge on October 5, 2015.

DeKalb sanitation officials considered Duncan’s property “commercial” despite the residential zoning designation and automatically issued larger trash cans, Duncan said. “For all the extra trash not being produced,” she said.

Another resident, Barry Kanne, said his in-home business doesn’t create excess trash that would warrant paying more in sanitation fees.

“I can assure you that in our house we are well served with the current, once per week [trash pickup] schedule,” Kanne said. “Our business deals with writing medically-based journalism. Not much of a sanitation load there.”
Read the entire article here.

Many thanks to Ellen Eldridge for bringing this story to the mainstream media.

Dunwoody was founded so that zoning decisions could be made by the people who have to live with them.  But when it comes to home business owners, city council looks the other way while DeKalb County creates their own zoning rules and levies additional taxes accordingly.

Thankfully, Nancy Jester sees this injustice and will be introducing legislation to eliminate this fine.

Here's the original DWG post that brought the extra tax to light:  Talkin' Trash Too

What kind of impact do Dunwoody's 700 home businesses have on the community?  Check out the map.