Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Corner at Orchard Park...

... the former site of Timmy's Pub and the Flat Iron Grill (from 10 years ago!) is supposed to be....

(drumroll please...)

A dentist's office.

This according to the fine gentlemen I happened to meet on the construction site while running into Kroger.

Orchard Park is shifting to more professional offices with fewer restaurants.  (Starbucks was replaced by an optometrist's shop.)

Whoever occupies the space, I hope they make that corner a success.  The location and layout are great, I'm amazed the previous enterprises weren't successful and the space has been vacant for so long.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

All Winter in a Day

Preserving the good memories of SnowJam 2014 as the flowering trees begin blooming in Dunwoody. 

Snow midget building a snow midget?  ;-)


Look closely. You'll see two very cold and pissed bluebirds. 

Remains of the last snowman.