Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dunwoody City Council wants to buy the "Northchase" apartments....

My commentary on the Music Festival and what an incredible time it was is going to have to wait.

From Dunwoody Patch: City Council Looks at Purchasing Nearly 42 Acres on Peachtree Industrial

I had this great post forming in my head about dealing with the landlords on the east side of town as business people, improving code compliance, encouraging a neighborhood watch, maybe forming an apartment renters' association as a counterpart to the DHA and other civic associations in the area.  Just had to get past the Music Festival and get all that work out of the way and other customers caught up.  I may have to rethink it.  Our votes next month are going to have some serious repercussions on a lot of families.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Calm before the DMF storm

Tonight we had a party to celebrate 6 months of really hard work pulling the festival together.  The highlight of the evening was Dormtainment and "Straight Outta Dunwoody".  Hey fellas, next time get your audition in while the form is open, K?  Assuming we can afford you next year~!!

Here's my FB photo album.  I need to crash.  My kids will shoot me if I don't bring them tomorrow.  Nitey nite!