Right after the tempest regarding Dunwoody Glen hit Category 5 status, an announcement was released by City Hall regarding "Clean, Shine, Fix Up Dunwoody" day on November 5.
This got me wondering: where exactly is all this cleaning, shining, and fixing up going to happen? The City Council and City employees have decided that the east side needs drastic redevelopment. Has there been any attempt to do any volunteer fixup in this area?
Here's the event announcement from
City Hall. There's a vague reference to assignments and some mentions of Brook Run (stream cleanup, etc). Sounds great! More information on another website. Let's click....
Now we're at the North Atlanta Church of Christ website. Wait a minute - I thought this was a City event. Public/private partnership maybe? That would be OK. But say that on the announcement. There's no search box and the clean-up event isn't on the front page. Let's dig around a bit.
Under Calendars and Events, we find "
Serve Day". No mention of a City of Dunwoody project, just anyone who wants to do some community fixer-upper service, just sign up and show up. This doesn't look like a City project, despite the main website saying, "...the City will be holding its Third Annual Clean up Dunwoody Day..."
The FAQ page has the following regarding what projects are going to be worked on:
Dunwoody Nature Center
⇒ Fire hydrant painting throughout the city of Dunwoody
⇒ City of Refuge
⇒ Ronald McDonald House
⇒ Many more!
Nothing outstanding here. Fire hydrant painting projects have happened in town before. Dunwoody Nature Center is an oldie but a goodie for community service. What is City of Refuge? Where is Dunwoody's Ronald McDonald House? What constitutes "many more"??
There's several videos from past years included as well. Brook Run and the Nature Center, Ebenezer Primitive Baptist, are obvious, but some other outdoor locations weren't clear.
Here's my question for anyone who knows: if Winter's Chapel / PIB is such a terrible part of Dunwoody that entire housing developments have to be removed to improve it, where is the volunteer effort to improve areas of that part of town? For example, everyone wants to "adopt a triangle" near the Farmhouse, who will adopt the traffic triangle at the intersection of Peeler and Winter's Chapel? Everyone wants to spruce up the landscaping at Brook Run, who wants to do the same on unused lots along Winter's Chapel?
There is NO criticism here of any of the charity work that has been done thus far under the banner of "Clean Up Dunwoody". I would like to know what volunteer efforts under this program have been done in the "less popular" parts of our City. They're not readily apparent, they're not in any of the videos I saw on the church site, and they're not listed on the City website. If the eastern parts of Dunwoody need to be "spruced" or "fixed", where are the volunteer efforts to do so? The comments section is open.