Monday, August 25, 2014

Support the Dunwoody High Academy of Finance

“We have over 180 juniors and seniors enrolled in the Academy for the 2014-2015 school year. This is a two year program that exposes students to personal finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, corporate finance, macroeconomics and international business. It is a "mini" MBA and is a great stepping stone for majoring in business in college as well as providing unbelievable experiences for the students. They are exposed to many different real life topics and compete in a number of business competitions. It sets the student apart from others in their college and job search process.”

My personal favorite is the "Dunwoody Mom Tshirt".
I purchased 2 right on the spot.
Good luck Elizabeth and mackenzie!  (And yes, they are great about delivery!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Opportunity Knocking | WANTED: Restaurant with comfortable atmosphere to serve as Dunwoody Community gathering place

No one likes change that they have no control over.  So when word started flowing that OHH was closed for "renovations", then the above linked article appeared in the ABC and on Facebook many are mourning the Dunwoody landmark.

Ironically, many are the same people who were concerned about quality of food, the deteriorating condition of the building, the staff, unacceptable health department scores, and the like.  Then there was the swindling incident right in the lobby about this time last year.

The Circle of Life continues to turn, even in Dunwoody where there are always efforts to stop time.

We won't go without BBQ (Memphis BBQ is open) and for breakfast, there is First Watch (great pumpkin pancakes), J Christopher's (another traditional Dunwoody staple) and Another Broken Egg (this one has a liquor license.  Bloody Marys and Mimosas all around!!).

In all seriousness, this is a cloud with a silver lining for someone.  There's a significant segment of the Dunwoody community, age demographic roughly on the right side of the curve, that likes to get together and talk politics and community.  Along with at least one city council member and one DeKalb county senior staff.  (Who needs to find a new "office".)  Another restaurant could benefit from Old Hickory's unfortunate demise while providing that "comfort zone".

Damn, I'm going to miss their sliced pork and BBQ sauce.  And the smell of hickory smoke in the air when I drive by.