Thursday, October 27, 2011

There goes the neighborhood....
Get a good look because it's going to change soon.
Make sure to check out the Halloween info
and For Sale listings.
When I organized Briers North Halloween in the past, the person I inherited it from was adamant that there be no "advertising" - no Internet, media blackout in the newspapers and TV, everything.

Then a couple of years later I handed off the responsibility to another neighbor who isn't quite so concerned.

Thanks to some posts today on Facebook from Dunwoody Police and CVB, as well as some news last year, I guess it's officially "advertised" and I can chat about it.

Everything you need to know if you're planning to visit Briers North on Halloween is at  This was one of the first sites I created after moving to Dunwoody in 2004.  It's due for a tweaking and an upgrade.  I created this website with an extensive private back-end info system back in the day when both Joomla and Drupal and similar content management systems were in their infancy and had security holes wide enough to drive a truck through.  I didn't trust any of them.  WordPress was still only a blog and even then much more primitive than most blogs today.  So I created a custom database with a custom CMS that has worked continually these past 7 years.  My hand-built databases have never been hacked.  I'm still deciding what road to go down with this upgrade and redesign, so stay tuned.  Some other customers' projects are moving along toward their launch dates.

Be careful if you do a drive-by before Monday.  The streets are narrow and there are tons of kids and other folks out walking.

If you REALLY like what you see on Halloween, remember this neighborhood is here 364 other days of the year and is a great place to live.  There are 3 houses up for sale, plus one up for rent.  (One of them is a  behemoth with a pool, spa, and finished basement - perfect for a large extended family.)  Links to MLS listings are on the front page above.  We need neighbors as much as we love our visitors!

See you on Monday, 10/31!

"Princess Fiona"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dunwoody Elections 2011 - Kerry de Vallette

Next up:  Mr. Kerry de Vallette, running for District 2 At Large.  Kerry's campaign website is at  His comments below are unedited, except for formatting.

1) What one qualification do you have for elected office that exceeds those of your opponents?  Proven executive leadership! Both in running large and small businesses, as well as a 3,000 (plus) member civic organization – The Dunwoody Homeowners Association.

 2) The City’s Economic Development Department’s stated purpose is “The City of Dunwoody Economic Development Director is responsible for leading efforts to retain, expand and attract businesses that support a broad array of employment opportunities; strategically grow its knowledge-based economy; and expand the City’s tax base.” What should be this department’s next priority task to accomplish this purpose? 
To continue to execute against the 2012 Economic Development Strategy, while determining what, if any, alterations should be considered for the plan.

3) What was the City’s best business decision to date? (Any level or department, since operations started.)  
Retaining Michael Starling as Director of Economic Development.

4) What was one business decision made by the City (at any level, since operations started) that should not have been made? If you were given the chance, what would you have recommended be done differently? 
I think providing the position of the City Manager with signator authority for any expenditure under $50,000 without Council’s consent needs to be revisited.  I want to make this clear this is not a reflection on the part of our City Manager, but of my personal belief that as a Council member I have accountability for significant tax dollar expenditures, which I consider to be non-recurring expenditures over $9,999.

5) As a member of City Council, you will be able to appoint or recommend members of various commissions. Besides an interest in the subject, and a desire to serve, what qualifications do you want to see in a potential commission member? 
Proven experience and practical knowledge in the subject area of the Commission panel that they are being appointed to.

6) Which City department or commission (besides the Police) is the most critically important in developing the future of Dunwoody? 
The Public Works Department.  We have got to address our traffic and transportation safety issues.  This includes accelerating the installation of side walks and safe bike lanes throughout our city.

7) Which City department or commission do you feel is underserved and needs more attention in terms of funding and other resources (including personnel)? 
Community Development.

8) In what ways should the City and Chamber of Commerce (or any other private entity) collaborate and in what ways should they be working separately to grow the City’s economic base? 
The Chamber and City do not and should not work in a vacuum.  However, that does not mean that both should be joined at the hip.  The City’s responsibility is to work with the Chamber, Convention Visitor’s Bureau and the PCID towards common goals shared by the various organizations.  The City also has a responsibility to provide leadership and governance on behalf of our residents when it comes to matters of Economic Development, including areas related to zoning, sign ordinances, and other governance factors related to business development items that will specifically impact homeowners and homeowner rights.

9) Elected officials are constantly contacted with requests to have specific issues addressed by local citizens. If elected, how will you prioritize what issues get on the Council agenda, what will get further private discussion, and what will be tabled? 
I would support a change to the current process related to how a Council member introduces an issue to Council without having a supporting “second” from the Mayor or another Council member.  I would support changing this process and adding a requirement that any item that a Council member would like to place on the agenda require a second in order to be presented before Council. 

10) Open Mike Question: Make any statement you like on what issue or action will be most important to you as an elected official. 
I would move to add a Commission on Aging to the City’s Boards and Commissions.  We need to have a Board or Commission that works with our various departments, including Economic Development, Parks & Recreation, and Police / Public Safety to insure the needs of our senior citizens are being considered as the departments develop their master plans, outreach programs, and facilities.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What exactly is Dunwoody being "transparent" about?

Late last night, the City of Dunwoody issued a press release regarding the intent to purchase the Dunwoody Glen (formerly Northchase) apartments and convert them to a sports complex.  A number of acquaintances, neighbors, and fellow bloggers who until now have been strongly against the parks bonds are starting to waver. So many people quietly gripe about "the apartments" in "that other ZIP code".  Now a secret ballot to eliminate them doesn't seem so bad.

I had heard about this plan in a number of conversations but I didn't think hoped the planning process had hadn't gotten this far.

Here's the problem.  If you think that these bonds are ONLY about eliminating "those apartments" think again.  This is the same government that tried to push through a "greenway" plan that would have confiscated significant amounts of property from single family homes as well.  The difference is the homeowners aren't going to take that casual threat lying down.  They rose up en masse at a public meeting that had Hutmacher sewing body parts back on and the City Council in hiding.  Are the families in "those" apartments going to defend themselves as vigorously?  I doubt it.  I'll bet City Hall doubts it too.

I'm not buying the argument about how humane it is to honor all current leases.  It's not generous or moral to simply uphold a legally binding contract.  How would any of you feel living in your home while someone else is sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for you to budge so they can swoop in?

Let's take a birds' eye view of City Hall's approach to development.  First thing after City Government was set up was the establishment of a "Sustainability" commission.  Talk of obscure certifications and awards.  Green this, green that, green the other thing.  Except for the sneakers - those are golden.  All supposedly for the health and well-being of Dunwoody citizens.  Public land was set aside for gardens with contributions to feed those in need.  City Hall touts these efforts to show how enlightened and generous and "forward thinking" Dunwoody is.  It's a paradise of cooperation and charity where everyone is of one oh-so-enlightened mind.  In addition, elected officials discuss at length their religious affiliations and activity in charitable endeavors.  Pictures and links and everything.  Now the same government wants to displace hundreds of residents who live away from the central paradise.    Eliminate those not-green-enough homes.  It's easy to be charitable to people who are different than you are if they're not too close.  It's easy to be a saint in paradise.  Displacing people as a recreational development measure is not just wrong it is - dare I say it - unsustainable.

These are my thoughts on economic development, significantly clarified from my earlier vision:

1)  The east side of Dunwoody has the most potential for economic development as it is the oldest and has gotten the least amount of attention from both DeKalb/Gwinnett counties and the City of Dunwoody.

2)  It is never acceptable to drive an entire neighborhood away, eliminate homes, or otherwise confiscate residential property for the sake of recreation.  It doesn't matter if we're talking about single family homes, duplexes, townhomes, or apartments.  It's one thing to slow down growth of mixed use high density developments, but once a set of homes is here, it's here.  Deal with it, and their residents like human beings.

3)  The City has other ways of improving the area.  Including incentives to both commercial and residential property owners to upgrade their properties.  There is no reason why Winters Chapel cannot be as desireable as Dunwoody Village in terms of business use or residential location.  Taking the land off the tax roles and eliminating the residential population is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

4)  Residents along Winters Chapel / PIB and for that matter in the 30360 ZIP code are just as much legitimate citizens of Dunwoody as those calling for their removal.  If the citizens calling for more and more expensive recreational opportunities want to have their opinions taken seriously by the people in this area, then they'd better treat their counterparts with the same respect they damn well want for themselves.  The latest proposal from the City doesn't qualify.

5)  Quality of life in any part of the city, not just Winters Chapel/PIB is going to require a greater investment in code enforcement.  One guy supervising enforcement in a city with a daytime population of more than 100K is not enough.  City Council has discussed funding police, rewriting a zoning code, and a skating rink, but not optimal enforcement of their ordinances.  I'd like to know why.

I'd like to see apartment residents organize their own advocacy group or civic association as the homeowners do.  This latest proposal looks like that organization is long overdue.  Anyone who lives inside the city has the same rights to defend themselves and their home.  No one should be more equal than others. This is not "Animal Farm" - yet.

I challenge City Hall, including our Council Members to make their way down to the apartments they want to eliminate and meet some people who live there.  Learn their names, look them in the eye, and tell them to their faces that a sports complex is more beneficial to the city than their presence.  I don't think any of you have the guts.  Prove me wrong!

UPDATE:  CBS Atlanta just posted the story on their website.  The comments should be interesting.