Tuesday, February 7, 2012

FRAUD ALERT - In time for tax season

The latest fraud emails going around are spoofs of Intuit financial services.  Everyone's spazzing about taxes and records and returns so anything from Intuit is going to jump the needle on the anxiety meter.

Intuit's official online security center fraud listings.  Most recent alert was posted yesterday.

As always, when you get an email that appears to be from any of your financial services:  stop, breathe, and DON'T click on any links.  Also remember that no legitimate financial institution will ask for your password.

Best bet:  always call your financial institution at the customer service number listed on your account materials or credit/debit card to determine if there are any issues.  Do forward the email to your financial institution if possible so that they can warn other customers about the fraud attempt.

(Jeff - I got the tax organizer and I'm working on it.  Will get those papers in MUCH earlier this year!)

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