Monday, March 16, 2015

Dunwoody Water Main and Street Rebuilding Begins TODAY

...and may God have mercy on our souls.

From the City of Dunwoody website:

These crucial infrastructure improvements present the city with an opportunity to make much needed road surface and pedestrian improvements along the Mount Vernon Road corridor. Subsequent to the installation of the new water main, the city will resurface this entire section of Mount Vernon Road and also construct new sidewalks on the south side of Mount Vernon Road between Dunwoody Village Parkway and Vernon Oaks Drive.

In an effort to streamline the sequencing of these improvements, the City of Dunwoody will coordinate with the county and the contractor to perform these tasks.

Initial project construction will begin the week of March 16, 2015 and work is expected to be complete within seven to nine months.

1 comment:

Kate Lee said...

There are a number of trees marked for removal for this project. Have you seen any plan that shows the city or county replacing this tree cover? Those homeowners deserve to have their tree canopy replaced.