Saturday, July 21, 2012

Zoning Rewrite Project Next Public Meeting on August 1

The signs have gone up on the street corners.

Next session for general public input is August 1 at Dunwoody UMC Fellowship Hall at 7 PM.

The consultants are soliciting input on the first draft of the first module of the new Zoning Code.  (This is not all there is going to be it's just an initial draft of one section.)

Download and/or print your own copy here:

Please note that EVERYONE, both the sounding board and general public are getting this at the same time.  There is no super-double-secret access for the sounding board or for anyone else.

Comments are closed on this post.  All comments should be added to either the "Open Questions" tab or to the "Project Blog".   If you are concerned about blowback or other problems in response to open comments you can submit them privately via the email form.  Links to those are available to the left.

Please review at your leisure and make your opinions known by whatever means is more comfortable for you.  There are a lot of comments from a very small group of people and the process would benefit by having a wider range of citizen involvement.